EP: 22 Do you have a cycle of burnout?

Join me as I talk with Jane Reason a teacher then headteacher of 25 years, as she shares her insights into how to beat burnout.

She challenges us to look at our patterns of behaviour. Are you able to say no? She discovered she was saying yes to requests because it was nice to be needed, she knew she could do it, and she felt pressure to be seen to be “doing”.

She challenges us to slow down to speed up. Worth a try?

We look at the possibility to take a moment to see if you have a stress response.

As human beings, we all have choices, what choices are we making, and are they good for us?

Towards the end Jane raises the question of the language we use and the energy we bring each day. Can we break cycles of exhaustion and overwhelm?

Lots to think on in this podcast that will challenge and inspire you to find energy, hope and even to start to thrive in your role in school.

To connect with Jane:

Website: www.janereasoncoaching.me.uk

Links to book a conversation and my socials / YouTube on this. 

Instagram: janereason_transformationcoach
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jane-reason
Facebook: Jane Reason Coaching 


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2. Facebook: Rowena Hicks
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